Teori & Artikler
Teori & Artikler

Business & Life Coaching-Training
High Level Certified Education

Our approach
VAELDS certified coach-education is a professional high-level coach-education. The education are based on the latest and most ground-breaking theories and methods within feedback, flow, developmental psychology, systemic theory, narrative theory, and the newest neuropsychology research. The education consists of five modules and the possibility of a complete coach certification.
Every module in this “next generation” coach-education will give you a combination of theory and thorough practical training. You will achieve solid communication competences, insight into human psychology, understanding of mental barriers, personal development as well as deep communication training, which you can use professionally for leadership, for coaching, for developing people as well as for your own personal development. You can implement all methods and techniques from the education directly into your everyday work and life, which actually is the real “practice range”.
After your certification proces, you will have emerged as a professional and strong communicator, coach and leader, who can assist and guide your employees, clients, users, and colleagues to reach personal and professional goals, so individuals and teams can create the changes and development needed.
Why coaching
Solid leadership development
Strong coaching competences facilitates new perspectives, growth and performance development. Enabling leaders and managers to bring greater self-awareness, confidence and balance to their leadership style.
Improved relationships
All our participating leaders, coaches and consultants experience improved relationships with their reports, teams, managers, colleagues, customers and family.
Real impact on business
All our participants improve performance by helping with finding solutions, goals and efficient execution plans that have a real impact on business and life results.
Education structure
If you are already a certified coach, you may take any module individually. If you want the VAELDS certification, you must go through all the modules. If you want the complete VAELDS Coach certification, you must have completed all five modules within 3 years and complete your education with the 6th module ’Coach Certification Process’.
Hvis du allerede er certificeret coach, kan du tage et hvilken som helst af modulerne enkeltvis.
Hvis du vil have den komplette VÆLDS Coach certificering, så skal du have gennemført alle fem moduler indenfor tre år og afslutte uddannelsen med modulet ’Coach Certification Proces’.
Module 1:
Coaching Fundamentals
In module 1, you will learn the most fundamental tools and models to get you up and running with clear communication and professional coaching skills. Naturally, we will link all theoretical elements with practical training. After completing module 1, you will have gained personal insight and be ready to use effective communication, dialogue, and coaching tools in your everyday work and life.
Hvis du allerede er certificeret coach, kan du tage et hvilken som helst af modulerne enkeltvis.
Hvis du vil have den komplette VÆLDS Coach certificering, så skal du have gennemført alle fem moduler indenfor tre år og afslutte uddannelsen med modulet ’Coach Certification Proces’.
Module 2: Neuropsychological Coaching
The human brain holds on to old habits and past experiences – and it is also through the human brain that we can build the wanted outcome and the future we wish to get. This module will give you the understanding and the tools how to do exactly this, through neuro-based coaching.
Hvis du allerede er certificeret coach, kan du tage et hvilken som helst af modulerne enkeltvis.
Hvis du vil have den komplette VÆLDS Coach certificering, så skal du have gennemført alle fem moduler indenfor tre år og afslutte uddannelsen med modulet ’Coach Certification Proces’.
Module 3: Conversational Coaching
In module 3, you will become fluent bringing coaching elements into your everyday communication with employees, colleagues, customers, clients and other professional or private relations. You will integrate conversational coaching into your communication style.
Hvis du allerede er certificeret coach, kan du tage et hvilken som helst af modulerne enkeltvis.
Hvis du vil have den komplette VÆLDS Coach certificering, så skal du have gennemført alle fem moduler indenfor tre år og afslutte uddannelsen med modulet ’Coach Certification Proces’.
Modul 4:
Den excellente coach
In order to be an excellent business and life coach, it requires that you, have awareness concerning your own attitudes, blind spots and overall presence. This module offers in-depth reflection processes, increasing your self-awareness, self-management and mental strength.
Hvis du allerede er certificeret coach, kan du tage et hvilken som helst af modulerne enkeltvis.
Hvis du vil have den komplette VÆLDS Coach certificering, så skal du have gennemført alle fem moduler indenfor tre år og afslutte uddannelsen med modulet ’Coach Certification Proces’.
Modul 5:
Creativity & Innovation Coaching
Do the same get the same result – do something different get a new and better result. There is at great need for developing creativity and innovation in all areas of business and life. Not only wild creativity, but certainly also the skill to execute the creative ideas and get real innovative outcomes and results. In this module we expand the range of tools and techniques, which can initiate creative processes individually and in workgroups, to get new thoughts, ideas and solutions developed and implemented.
Hvis du allerede er certificeret coach, kan du tage et hvilken som helst af modulerne enkeltvis.
Hvis du vil have den komplette VÆLDS Coach certificering, så skal du have gennemført alle fem moduler indenfor tre år og afslutte uddannelsen med modulet ’Coach Certification Proces’.
Modul 6:
Excellent Coach Certification Process
The certification process takes 6 months and may be started once you have had three of the coach modules of the education, but it cannot be finished until you have completed all the modules of the education. We ensure that you are well equipped for the certification.

Next program starts in May 2021
Module 1: 16th August and 30th August
Module 2: 13th September and 27th September
Module 3: 11th October and 1st November
Module 4: 15th November and 30th November
Module 5: 14th December and 12th January
Module 6: (Certification) No firm dates yet
If you have any questions regarding the Business & Life Coaching-Training please do not hesitate to reach out.
Educational fee in CNY
Full education: CNY 50.400
One module: CNY 10.800
Module 1 and 2: CNY 18.600
Educational fee in EUR
Full education: EUR 6.920
Module 1: EUR 1.475
Module 1 and 2: EUR 2.630

Jan Vælds
Jan Vælds is one of the most experienced coaches in the world. Has been running more than 20.000 coaching sessions and has been coaching leaders in 25+ countries.
Jan is a pioneer in Emotional Intelligence development for leaders and has been training many company leadership teams in their development and performance focus. Jan is a mastercoach and have a degree in Science and in Business.

Louise Vælds
Louise Vaelds is a pioneer in developing coaching programs with unique development outcomes for the participant. She is one of the most experienced coach developers and trainers.
Louise has been working with leaders, coaches, therapist in many different fields for more than 25 years. Louise is a mastercoach and has a degree in psychology.